Housing Assistance, Meal Service & More - PathForward

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I Need Food

PathForward’s Homeless Bagged Meal Program

  • Bagged meals served by Street Outreach team.

St. George’s Episcopal Church
915 N. Oakland St. Arlington, VA (Virginia Square Metro)

  • Lunch served Monday-Friday from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Christ House Shelter
131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA

  • Dinner served daily at 5:15 PM

Assembly of God Church
4501 N. Pershing Dr., Arlington, VA

  • Dinner served daily from 5:00PM to 6:30PM

Arlington Food Assistance Center
2708 S. Nelson St., Arlington, VA

  • Provides supplemental groceries to Arlington residents in need.
  • Current referral required from Arlington County Department of Human Services, a social service agency or an Arlington County school.

I Need Shelter

PathForward operates the Arlington County Homeless Services Center, which is located one block from the Courthouse Metro stop at 2020-A N. 14th, St. Arlington, VA 22201. The PathForward team works with the Arlington Continuum of Care (CoC) to see that clients are referred to the appropriate services provider. All those in need of shelter should first contact the Department of Human Services Community Assistance Bureau (CAB) at (703) 228-1300 for help. After 5:00 p.m. and on weekends, call (703) 228-1010 for help.  The Homeless Services Center provides services to single adults, and we are a low-barrier shelter. 

For questions about the Shelter Program, please call (703) 228-7802 or visit:

  • Shelter Program – This program offers sleeping arrangements for over 50 people per night, provides three meals daily, showers, laundry facilities, and access to case managers and medical services. The program’s services include food, shelter, full-time nurse practitioner and medical respite program, counseling and job training.


Other area shelters:

New Hope Housing Program Center (703) 228-0022

New Hope Housing – Bailey’s Shelter & Supportive Housing (703) 820-7621

New Hope Eleanor Kennedy Shelter (703) 799-0200

I Need Housing

PathForward has several housing programs for Arlington residents experiencing homelessness. For general questions, please email or call Ayana Bellamy at abellamy@pathforwardva.org or (703) 228-7840.

To learn more about specific programs, click the links below:

Permanent Supportive Housing
A long-term housing and case management program for chronically homeless individuals in Arlington County.

Homelessness Prevention Program and Rapid Rehousing Program
A temporary assistance program for individuals facing eviction or recently evicted in Arlington County.

    I Need Help Getting ID, Food Stamps, Showers, Or Other Services

    Arlington County Public Assistance Bureau
    2100 Washington Boulevard, 1st Floor
    Arlington, Virginia 22204

    Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. (Limited number of clients served per day, recommended to arrive as early as possible.)

    Administers federal and state entitlement programs such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, General Relief, State and Local Hospitalization.

    Make the Connection – Resources for Veterans

    Provides an online resource to connect veterans, their family members, friends and other supporters with information, resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives. Make the Connection is a campaign launched by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to help the military community confront the challenges of transitioning from service, face health issues, and navigate the complexities of daily life as a civilian.

    Access Other Services Throughout Arlington County

    The Street Guide To Emergency Services

    Get Help – English

    Day Programs

    Homeless Services Center

    703-820-HELP (4357)
    2020-A 14th St, Arlington, VA 22201

    The Homeless Services Center provides persons who are homeless with outreach, case management and employment services. Offers assistance with food, clothing, hygiene items, obtaining personal identification, showers, washer, dryer, free local calls, voice mail answering service, mail-drop, counseling, and referrals to other services.

    Walk-In Hours: 1 to 5 PM

    Carpenter’s Shelter, Dave’s Place Program

    930 N. Henry St., Alexandria, VA 22314

    Provides showers, washers, dryers, phone calls, mail drop, locker storage, and service referrals on a membership basis.

    Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 11:15 AM, 12 noon to 5 PM

    Lamb Center

    9766 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031

    Provides breakfast, lunch, showers, laundry, blankets, free local phone calls, computer and fax machine for job search purposes, service referrals, prayer, and bible study.

    Hours: Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 11:15, 12 noon to 5 PM (year round), Saturdays: 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM (September through May only).


    Emergency Winter Shelter

    Shelter: 703-228-7395
    2049 N. 15th St. and Courthouse Rd., Arlington, VA 22201
    Single men and women.
    Open every night November 1 through March 31

    New Hope Housing Residential Program Center

    1554 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22044
    Single men and women, Arlington County residents. Must complete telephone screening, call back at appointed time for availability. Breathalyzer at door.

    Carpenter’s Shelter

    802 N. Henry St., Alexandria, VA 22314
    Men, women, and families; referrals only.

    New Hope Eleanor Kennedy Shelter

    9155 Richmond Hwy., Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060
    Must call to get on waiting list, call back for availability.

    New Hope Housing Bailey’s Crossroads Community Shelter

    3525 Moncure Ave., Falls Church, VA 22041
    Single men and women, Fairfax County residents.

    Christ House Shelter

    131 S. West St., Alexandria VA 22314
    Single men, families; Northern Virginia residents.

    D.C. Shelter Hotline
    1-800-535-7252 or 202-399-7093


    PathForward’s Homeless Bagged Meal Program

    Meal every night at:
    — Oakland Minipark (N. Nelson St. & Wilson Blvd.) at 6:00 PM
    — Rosslyn (Lee Hwy and N. Nash Street) at 6:30 PM

    St. George’s Episcopal Church

    915 N. Oakland St. Arlington, VA (Virginia Square Metro)
    Lunch food Monday through Friday: 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

    Christ House Shelter

    131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA

    Dinner food available every day at 5:15 PM.


    PathForward’s Day Program

     703 228 7803
    Programs include street outreach, case management, employment counseling, the Permanent Supportive Housing Program, Homelessness Prevention Program, and the Rapid Re-housing Program.

    Ronda Gilliam Clothing Bank

    Arlington United Methodist Center
    716 S Glebe RD , Arlington, VA 2220

    Text: 571-274-7901, and email: rgclothing.bank@gmail.com
    Wednesdays 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM and Saturdays 9:30 AM to 12:30 p.m.
    no appointment needed, for adults and children


    First Baptist Church of Clarendon

    1210 N. Highland St., Arlington, VA Open two Saturdays per month, 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM. Call for dates.

    Our Lady Queen of Peace

    2700 S. 19th St., Arlington, VA
    Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

    Resurrection Lutheran Church

    6201 N Washington Blvd. Arlington, VA
    Tuesdays 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Closed July and August.


    PathForward Shower Vouchers. 703-820-4357
    Shower Vouchers distributed at PathForward food stops. Shower vouchers are for free showers at:

    Washington-Liberty Aquatics Center

    (1300 N. Quincy St.)

    Wakefield Aquatics Center

    (4901 S. Chesterfield) Monday through Sunday. Without voucher, $3.00 charge.

    Physical Health

    Arlington Free Clinic

    2926 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA
    Drop-in services at clinic. Referrals available for PathForward clients.

    Arlington County Public Health Clinic

    1800 N. Edison St., Arlington, VA

    HIV/STI Clinic


    Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic


    Mental Health

    Arlington County Mental Health Emergency Services

    24-hour emergency number: 703-228-5150

    2120 Washington Blvd., Arlington VA 22204

    Substance Abuse

    Volunteers of America Residential Program Center Detox

    Non-medical social detox, average stay of two weeks, Arlington County residents. Must complete telephone screening, call back at appointed time for availability.

    Arlington County Substance Abuse Services


    VOA Residential Program Center

    Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week
    1554 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204

    Alcoholics Anonymous

     24/7 Addiction Help: 800-839-1686

    Northern Virginia Intergroup (in Fairfax County): 703-293-9753

    Narcotics Anonymous

    Northern Virginia Intake: 800-543-4670

    Emergency Services

    Arlington County Police

    Non-emergency: 703-558-2222
    Emergency: 911

    Arlington County Crisis Intervention Center (Mental Health)

    2120 Washington Blvd Arlington, VA 22204

    24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline


    Mental Health Crisis Link Hotline



    Arlington Employment Center


    2100 Washington Boulevard, 1st Floor
    Arlington, Virginia 22204

    Job listings, resume assistance, computer workshops, career library.

    Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

    Social Services

    Catholic Charities, Diocese of Arlington

    131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA
    Emergency assistance for families and disabled only, canned food, prescription assistance and clothing (clothing hours Tuesday-Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM).
    Intakes: Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Samaritan Ministry Next Step Program
    703.271.0938, 2924 Columbia Pike, Suite 208, Arlington, VA 22204
    Case management, social services, employment services.
    Hours: New clients/registration, 9 AM to 11 PM, Mon. through Fri., Ongoing clients, 9 AM to 1 PM, Mon. through Fri.

    Arlington County Crisis Assistance Bureau

    2100 Washington Boulevard, 1st Floor
    Arlington, Virginia 22204
    Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon. through Fri. Provides emergency financial assistance for rental, utility, and prescription expenses.

    Arlington County Public Assistance Bureau

    2100 Washington Boulevard, 1st Floor
    Arlington, Virginia 22204
    Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. (Limited number of clients served per day, recommended to arrive as early as possible.)
    Administers federal and state entitlement programs such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, General Relief, State and Local Hospitalization.

    Obtener Ayuda – Español

    Programas del Dia

    Lugar de Oportunidad de PathForward

    (703) 820-4357
    2708-B S. Nelson St. (Segundo Piso), Arlington, VA 22206

    Lugar de Oportunidad provee personas que no tienen hogares con administración de casos y servicios de empleo. También se ofrece asistencia de comida, ropa, cosas higiénicas, obteniendo identificación personal, duchas, lavadoras, secadoras, llamadas locales gratis, correo, servicios de consejo y referencias a otros lugares.

    Horas (sin cita): Lunes-Jueves 1p.m-5p.m.

    Carpenter’s Amparo, Programa de Dave’s Lugar

    930 N. Hentry St., Alexandria, VA 22314

    Provee duchas, lavadoras, secadoras, llamadas, correo, almacenamiento seguro y referencias para servicios

    Horas: Lunes-Viernes 9AM – 11:15 AM, 12 de la tarde- 5PM

    Centro Lamb

    9766 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031

    Provee desayuno, almuerzo, duchas, lavadoras, frazadas, llamadas locales gratis, uso de computadoras y maquinas de fax para encontrar trabajos, servicios de referencias, oración y estudio de biblia.

    Horas: Lunes-Viernes 9AM-11:15AM, 12 de la tarde-5 PM (todo el año); Sábados: 1:30PM-4PM (septiembre- mayo solamente)

    Lugares de Amparo

    Amparo Invierno de Emergencia de PathForward

    Amparo: 703-228-7395
    2049 N. 15th St. y Courthouse Rd., Arlington, VA 22201
    Hombres y mujeres solteros
    Abierto cada noche desde el primero de noviembre – 31 de marzo

    New Hope Housing del Centro de Programa Residencial de América

    1554 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22044
    Hombres y mujeres solteros, residentes del condado de Arlington County. Tiene que completar una selección de teléfono y llamar de regreso al tiempo nombrado para espacio. Alcoholímetro en la puerta.

    Amparo de Carpenter

    802 N. Henry St., Alexandria, VA 22314
    Hombres, mujeres, and familias; solamente con referencias.

    Nueva Esperanza Eleanor Kennedy Amparo

    9155 Richmond Hwy., Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060
    Tiene que llamar para conseguir lugar en la lista de espera. Llamar de regreso para chequiar la disponibilidad.

    New Hope Housing de Bailey’s Crossroads Amparo de Comunidad

    3525 Moncure Ave., Falls Church, VA 22041
    Hombres y mujeres solteros, residentes del condado de Fairfax.

    Casa de Amparo de Cristo

    131 S. West St., Alexandria VA 22314
    Hombres solteros y familias; residentes de la área del norte de Virginia

    Amparo D.C. Línea de teléfono
    1-800-535-7252 o 202-399-7093


    El Programa de Comidas en Bolsas de PathForward

    Comidas cada noche en:
    Parque chico de Oakland en N. 9th St. y N. Oakland St. 6p.m.
    Parque Gateway en el lado Oeste (Nash St. y Lee Hwy.) 6:30p.m.

    St. George’s Iglesia Episcopal

    915 N. Oakland St. Arlington, VA (Metro de Virginia Square)
    Comida de almuerzo lunes-viernes: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM.

    Casa de Amparo de Cristo

    131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA
    Comida de cena cada día 5:15 PM.


    PathForward Day Program

    703 228 7803
    Ropa esta disponible en el Lugar de Oportunidad durante horas sin cita y en el Amparo Invierno de Emergencia de A-SPAN durante el invierno.

    Arlington Presbiteriano

    3507 Columbia Pike., Arlington, VA
    Miércoles 1PM – 3 PM y sábados 9AM – 12 de la tarde solo con cita.

    La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Clarendon

    1210 N. Highland St., Arlington, VA
    Abierto dos sábados cada mes, 9 AM – 11:45 AM. Llame para fechas.

    Nuestra Dama Reina de Paz

    2700 S. 19th St., Arlington, VA
    Miércoles, Sábados 9 AM -12:00 de la tarde

    Resurrección Iglesia Luterano

    6201 N Washington Blvd. Arlington, VA
    Martes 10 AM – 1:30 PM. Cerrado julio y agosto


    PathForward vales para ducharse 703-820-4357
    Vales de ducha son distribuidos en las paradas de comida de A-SPAN. Vales de ducha son para duchas gratis en:

    Piscina de Washington-Lee Escuela Secundaria

    (1300 N. Quincy St.)

    Piscina de Wakefield Escuela Secundaria

    (4901 S. Chesterfield) Lunes-Domingo. Sin vale, cuesta $3.00.

    Lugar de Oportunidad
    Duchas gratis en el Lugar de Oportunidad  durante hora sin cita Lunes-Jueves 1PM-5PM (el que viene primero es primero atendido). Toallas gratis, cosas higiénicas gratis incluyendo jabón, champú, pasta dental y cepillo dental. Una lavadora y secadora también se puede usar (el que viene primero es primero atendido).

    Salud Fisico

    Arlington Clínica Gratis

    2926 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA
    Servicios sin cita en al clínica. Referencias son disponibles para clientes de PathForward.

    Condado de Arlington Clínica de Salud Publico

    1800 N. Edison St., Arlington, VA

    Clinica de VIH/ETS (Enfermedades Transmitidas Sexuales)


    TB (Tuberculosis)/Enfermedades Comunicables/Refugio Clínica

    Salud Mental

    Condado de Arlington Salud Mental Servicios de Emergencia

    Numero principal: 703-228-5150
    Números de emergencia:
    8:00 AM – 9:30 PM: 703-228-5160
    9:30 PM – 8:00 AM: 703-228-4256

    Abuso de Sustancias

    Voluntarios del Centro de Programa Residencial de América Centro de Desintoxicación

    No referente a medico desintoxicación social, promedio queda de dos semanas, residentes del condado de Arlington. Tiene que completar una selección de teléfono; llamar de regreso al tiempo dado para conseguir lugar. Condado de Arlington Servicios de Abuse de Sustancias para gente sin hogar asistente de casos
    VOA  Centro de Programa Residentica, Abierto 24 Horas, 7 Días a la semana
    Alcohólico Anónimos: 703-281-7501
    Narcóticos Anónimos: 703-532-1255

    Servicios de Emergencia

    Policía del Condado de Arlington

    No emergencia: 703-558-2222
    Emergencia: 911
    Condado de Arlington línea de crisis/violencia/ violación intervención
    8:00 AM – 9:30 PM: 703-228-5150
    9:30 PM – 8:00 AM: 703-228-4848

    Linea de Crisis Teléfono



    Arlington Centro de Empleo

    2100 Washington Boulevard, primer piso
    Arlington, VA 22204
    Anuncios de trabajo, asistencia de resume, clases de computadoras, librería de carrera.
    Horas: Lunes- Viernes: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

    Servicios Sociales

    Organizaciones Benéficas Católicas, Diócesis de Arlington

    131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA
    Asistencia de emergencia para familias y los discapacitado  solamente. Alimentos de lata, asistencia de prescripciones y ropa (horas de ropa martes-viernes 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM).
    Entradas: Lunes – viernes: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
    Ministerio Samaritano Programa Próximo Paso
    703.271.0938 2924 Columbia Pike, Suite 208, Arlington, VA 22204
    Manejo de casos, servicios sociales, servicios de empleo.
    Horas: Clientes Nuevos/registración: 9 AM – 11 PM, Lunes-viernes. Clientes presentes, 9 AM – 1 PM, lunes a viernes.

    Programa de Comunidad Residencial Para Gente sin Hogar Manejo de Casos

    933 N. Kenmore St. Suite 218, Arlington, VA 22201
    Servicios de majeo de casos.
    Horas sin cita: Lunes 10:00AM -12 de la tarde, miércoles 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, viernes 10:00 AM- 12 de la tarde.

    Condado de Arlington Oficina de Asistencia de Crisis

    2100 Washington Boulevard, Primer piso
    Arlington, Virginia 22204
    Horas: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM Lunes – viernes. Provee asistencia financiero de emergencia para renta, utilidades y prescripciones.

    Condado de Arlington Oficina de Asistencia Pública

    2100 Washington Boulevard, Primer piso
    Arlington, Virginia 22204
    Horas: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Lunes – viernes. (Numero limitado de clientes servidos cada día, es recomendado llegar lo más temprano posible)
    Se administra programas federales y del estado como Medicaid, Food Stamps (estampas de comida), TANF, alivio general, Hospitalización del estado y local.