Resources for Immediate Housing Assistance in Arlington, VA | PathForward

Finding yourself without a safe place to stay can be overwhelming and stressful, but knowing where to turn for immediate housing assistance can make all the difference. In Arlington, VA, various resources are available to help individuals and families secure shelter quickly and effectively. This blog will guide you through the options for emergency housing, providing crucial information on local shelters, and support services to ensure you find the assistance you need.

Resources for the Homeless

PathForward is more than a shelter. Our mission-driven, innovative homeless services transform the lives of our clients so they can get back on their feet again.

Our clients have direct access to street outreach teams, shelter, a day program, nursing services, medical care, respite services, and rapid and permanent supportive housing services. We offer a full spectrum of care which empowers and inspires our clients back to stability.

Below are the critical services available for individuals experiencing homelessness in Arlington, Virginia.


Studies have shown that people are more receptive to social supports once they’re in housing. This is the basis for PathForward’s and Arlington County’s “Housing-First” approach. Together, we are committed to providing both short- and long-term housing solutions to promote stability and well-being.

Short-Term Housing Solutions

PathForward’s Homelessness Prevention Program and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) is a temporary assistance program for individuals facing eviction or recently evicted in Arlington County. It aims to prevent individuals at risk of homelessness from ending up on the streets, as well as to quickly re-house those who are already homeless. By minimizing the time someone spends on the street, HPRP reduces their exposure to health risks and the likelihood of becoming chronically homeless.

PathForward also operates the Arlington County Homeless Services Center, offering year-round shelter for single adults. Our goal is to provide a low-barrier approach to ensure continuous support. We offer sleeping arrangements for up to 80 people per night, and provide three meals daily along with shower and laundry facilities.

In addition, PathForward owns Sibert House, a small apartment property in Arlington’s Westover neighborhood, and partners with the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH), which owns and operates Fisher House. These two properties currently provide housing for 16 chronically homeless individuals and veterans.

Long-Term Housing Solutions

In addition to providing immediate short-term housing, PathForward also supports clients in securing permanent housing solutions. We offer case management, mental health and substance abuse services, and meals, with case managers helping guests access transitional and permanent housing programs.

PathForward’s Permanent Supportive Housing Program provides housing for individuals and veterans who are chronically homeless and suffer from substance abuse and/or mental illness. After clients are housed, PSH provides ongoing support to help clients retain housing through assistance with daily challenges, financial literacy training, and assistance with budgeting.


PathForward provides barrier-free access to food for everyone experiencing homelessness, regardless of where they are on their journey. Through our meal programs, PathForward distributes roughly 40,000 meals annually to individuals experiencing homelessness. In addition to providing three daily meals to shelter patrons, our Homeless Bagged Meal Program serves up to 50 meals daily at the Homeless Services Center and through Street Outreach, with the help of more than 1,000 local volunteers. Learn more about donating to our food programs here.


PathForward collects donations of new and gently used clothing for adult men and women at our Homeless Services Center as well as several community donation bins around Arlington. Our clients have access to our clothing closet as needed.

Medical Care

Through our partnership with Arlington County’s Treatment on Wheels program, PathForward provides crucial mental health and substance abuse therapy, facilitating a smoother transition to stable housing and improved overall well-being. Since 2010, we have provided free medical care, referrals for specialty care, and prescriptions onsite.

PathForward is also in the process of expanding our Mobile Medical Program, which consists of a team composed of a street outreach worker, nurse and if needed, a member from Arlington County Government’s Behavioral Health team. This service also helps to build necessary trust between clients and PathForward team members.

Education & Dignity

Dignity is the belief that everyone has inherent rights and qualities of self-worth and respect. We foster a respectful and empowering environment where individuals are treated with compassion and understanding. We partner with the Arlington Employment Center to provide career counseling, career assessments, job search support, a computer lab, resources for continuing education, Disabilities Employment Services and unemployment insurance information. These programs not only enhance our clients’ employability and independence, but also restore their self-worth and confidence.

Free Housing for Homeless in Arlington, VA

If you are currently experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, PathForward is here to help! Contact us to learn more about short- and long-term housing solutions available in Arlington, Virginia.